Thursday, December 15, 2011


Southeastern Regional Conference may not immediately make you think of having a good time, but you would be wrong.  This years SER was held at the Marriott Griffin Gate Spa and Hotel in Lexington, Kentucky and was fabulous.  Well, except for the part where the hotel did not get the room reservations correct and we had to share a bed instead of having one by ourselves.  Just a little togetherness.

The tours were fun, the meetings were informative, the food was great, and there were plenty of fabulous vendors willing to take your money.  If that was all there was to do you would have had a great time, but we found a few other things to occupy our time.

Meet some of the players from Ole Miss.  They were there for a football game against Kentucky the next day.  I am sure it made their day having their pictures taken with Sandy and Bertha, until some lady made the girls leave.

As you can see, these conferences are a lot of work.  You have to attend meetings all day, shop till you drop and then they expect you to dress up in fancy outfits for dinner.  Jeans and Bling was the theme for dinner on Friday night.
Tania and Bertha just horsing around!        
Cash Bar - two little words that can really make a conference.  That is a place where you give them "cash" and they give you "alcohol".  I really loved that concept, Bertha really loved that concept, Liz really loved that concept, but Sandy really, really, really loved that concept.

Just a little togetherness!!!

See you next year in Roanoke, VA

P.S. -  bring plenty of cash.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Holidays in the Hills 2011

The 6th Annual Holidays in the Hills was held November 19th at the Appalachian School of Law's Booth Center in Grundy, VA.  This is the Grundy Woman's Club's largest fund raiser and this year was the best yet with over 3400.00 raised.  Let's hear it for the "Girls".  A lot of hard work goes into making the event a success but it is all worth while.

This year 40+ vendors came out to display their goods.

There were vendors of all kinds, make-up, jewelry, crafts, candles, fishing poles, floral arrangements and more.
 These nice people were from Wise and made stain glass jewelry.  If they try to tell you they brought me a case of wine just ignore them.  I think they are a little delusional.
Anna Ruth, Peggy and Jessie enjoyed the day.

As you can imagine an event of this size does not happen without a few mishaps.  What if a vendor shows up that you don't have a table for - no problem, what if there were more vendors than you really had room for - no problem, what if the elevator decided to completely shut down about two hours before the show ended - BIG problem.  Some of the vendors had really, really heavy items and lots of them to load up after the show.  Thankfully Jeff, (the gentleman hired to help with set-up and clean-up), and Cade, (Bertha Street's grandson), were happy to help carry a lot of boxes and packages to cars.  However this brings up the subject that maybe we have outgrown our current facility and finding one on the ground floor would be nice.
But didn't our table look nice.  Big thanks to all that helped and plans are already underway for next year.  Mark your calendar for November 17th, 2012.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Spirit Fest 2011

We've got Spirit, Yes we do,
We've got Spirit, How about you?

The Grundy Woman's Club took on another project and a big one at that.  The Town of Grundy asked the Grundy Woman's Club to undertake the responsibility of putting on this years Spirit Fest.  Seems like a simple enough project, after all we have put together the Holidays in the Hills for 5 years, surely this couldn't be much different.  WRONG!!!!

Several members of the woman's club met with Town Manager Roger Powers to discuss the possibility of the woman's club coordinating the Spirit Fest.  We came armed with a lot of questions about the event:  time, location, over sight, and most importantly budget.  How much would the "Town" allocate for the woman's club to spend on putting on this event?  Zero, nada, nilch!!!  Nothing, we would not only organize the event we had to RAISE the money for it.  WHAT????

You would think most sane people would say- No Thank You.   What can I say, we are not normal.  So, Bertha Street set to work calling the Coal companies in the community to ask that they support our event.  We are extremely blessed that they responded wholehearted and we raised over $5000.00!!!  A few phone calls later and the entertainment was all lined up however no more money:)
A beautiful day brought out lots and lots of people, free entertainment and free rides didn't hurt either.   Bluegrass bands, Country bands, and Classic Rock bands along with a square dancing group all preformed.  The PICK program, a program in the school system that introduces children to musical instruments, brought a group of youngsters to play.  They were extremely talented.
There were lots of fun and games for the youngsters.  A bounce house and slide, a sticky wall, a joust tournament, a mechanical bull, a rock wall, and a five station sports game kept everyone busy and it was all FREE! 

I think we did a pretty good job!  We can now sit back and relax.  

NOT!!!!  It's time to start on the 6th Annual Holidays in the Hills.  Being a Grundy Woman's Club member is exhausting.                                                                                                        

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Town Council

Five members of the Grundy Woman's Club went before the Town of Grundy council on Tuesday night,  October 11, 2011.  Woman's Club members Pam Wolford, Ginger Robertson, Betty Shields, Tania Stephens, and Sandy Stiltner asked the board members for permission to put up pink ribbons throughout the town to bring attention to breast cancer and also asked that the Town of Grundy declare October "Breast Cancer Awarness Month".  The members readily agreed and thanked the club for not only decorating the town with ribbons in the past but also for taking down the ribbons later the next month.

We also updated the council members on Spirit Fest and presented them with a flyer that will appear in this weeks newspapers and an agenda for the upcoming event on October 22nd.  The members were impressed with the amount of work the Grundy Woman's Club had put into the event.  Then council member Gary Prater commended us for all the work the Woman's Club does throughout the year.  He said that there were a lot of organization in the community but that the Grundy Woman's Club was always out there visibly helping citizens of the County.  All the members agreed that the Grundy Woman's Club was an asset to the Community and they were thrilled to be able to call upon us.

Ladies at this time give yourself a big "Pat on the Back" for a job well done; it is nice to be appreciated!


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October = Work, Work, Work

October is really shaping up to be a busy month.  It would be nice to decorate the house and yard for Halloween, but who has the time?  The Grundy Woman's Club will have their monthly meeting at the Buchanan Public Library at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday the 8th.  We will have a short meeting (that would be the first time) with a brunch style meal and then start to decorate our Bra's.  A lot of decorating materials have already been purchased; hair, eyes, lights, fur, etc.  What else could you possibly need....other than a bra.

On to Saturday the 15th.  Our Southwestern District meeting will be held in Hillsville, Virginia.  The meeting should be lots of fun, the two hour drive there and back, maybe not so much. 

On Thursday the 20th will we be attending the Relay for Life "Ladies Night Out".  This is always a great event with a lot of vendors and great information regarding Breast Cancer Awareness. The Grundy Woman's Club will have a booth again this year and be giving out literature on Club work and have some items for sale.  To bring attention to this terrible disease we will wear those decorated Bra's we made, on the OUTSIDE of our shirts.  That should be interesting to say the least.

Now it is on to Spirit Fest, an annual event that the Town of Grundy has sponsored for the last several years.  The Town asked the Grundy Woman's Club to take over the responsibilities of the event this year.  "No" does not seem to be a word that we Club ladies use very often.  This has been a lot of work but it is coming together nicely.  Let's hope the weather cooperates and we have a nice day.

Did I remember to mention that on the 11th we would also be going before the Town Council to have October declared "Breast Cancer Awareness" month and asking for permission to decorate the town with pink rigid vinyl ribbons?  As I said October is a busy month. 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Membership Rodeo

A beautiful Saturday with just a touch of fall in the air was the setting for our first Membership Rodeo.  We were prepared with hats, bandanna's and lots of good food.  We conducted our first meeting of the fall and then did a question and answer session of what the Woman's Club is and stands for. 

We welcomed into our fold Tamara Neo, the Commonwealth Attorney for Buchanan County.  Tamara is pictured above in the red jacket and should be a great asset to our club.

Betty Shield and her daughter Sandy Stiltner

One of the really fantastic aspects of the Woman's Club is how it expands the generations.  Betty Shields, her daughter Sandy Stiltner, and Sandy's daughter Nikki all attended  the roundup.   What better gift can you give your daughter than to introduce her to a wonderful group of women and teach her about the benefits that can be produced when we as women put our hearts and souls into a project.

Bertha Street, Liz Stiltner, and Tania Stephens enjoy the beautiful day.  I am not really sure what Bertha is doing.....

Hope to see you at the next meeting!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Liberty Garden - a Memorial to 9-11

September 11, 2001 is a day that most of us will never forget.  A day when we all sat glued to the television watching in horror and disbelief as the unthinkable became reality.  This is America, acts of terrorism do not take place on our soil, a statement we can no longer profess.  The lives lost that day can be accounted for but the lives forever changed cannot be measured.  Most of us are not in a position to prevent tragic events like those from happening again but we can make sure those who perished are not forgotten.

Grundy Woman's Club members Tania Stephens, Bertha Street, and Sandy Stiltner took part in the planting of the Liberty Garden a memorial to the tragic events of 9-11-01. 

The planting represents the twin towers, the pentagon, and the lives lost that day. 


Freedom has a price, may we never forget.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Membership Roundup

This Saturday, September 10th, the Grundy Woman's Club will be holding it's first "Membership Roundup"  This event will have a rodeo - western type theme with plenty of food and fun.  We have sent out invitations to past members in the hopes of "roping" in any stray ladies and also to "wrangle" in new members into our flock.  Please keep your fingers crossed for a pretty day or at least one without a torrential downpour.

Please invite anyone you think would like to become a member of our wonderful club.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Fall has arrived

It's that time of year again, Fall is in the air.  We all know what that means...time for our regularly monthly meetings to once again start.  We will be having out September meeting on Saturday September 10th at the Grundy Church of Christ's picnic shelter from 4:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m.  This might seem a little out of the ordinary since we normally meet at the Library or Presbyterian Church but we are going to try something a little new.  A "Membership Roundup" with food and games, and hopefully a few new members and possibly a few members that might have strayed away from our flock, is whats on the agenda.  If you know of anyone who might be interested in attending please let Sandy or Tania know at 935-4519.  Look forward to seeing everyone again after the long summer break and be sure to hunt out those Cowgirl Boots.