Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Town Council

Five members of the Grundy Woman's Club went before the Town of Grundy council on Tuesday night,  October 11, 2011.  Woman's Club members Pam Wolford, Ginger Robertson, Betty Shields, Tania Stephens, and Sandy Stiltner asked the board members for permission to put up pink ribbons throughout the town to bring attention to breast cancer and also asked that the Town of Grundy declare October "Breast Cancer Awarness Month".  The members readily agreed and thanked the club for not only decorating the town with ribbons in the past but also for taking down the ribbons later the next month.

We also updated the council members on Spirit Fest and presented them with a flyer that will appear in this weeks newspapers and an agenda for the upcoming event on October 22nd.  The members were impressed with the amount of work the Grundy Woman's Club had put into the event.  Then council member Gary Prater commended us for all the work the Woman's Club does throughout the year.  He said that there were a lot of organization in the community but that the Grundy Woman's Club was always out there visibly helping citizens of the County.  All the members agreed that the Grundy Woman's Club was an asset to the Community and they were thrilled to be able to call upon us.

Ladies at this time give yourself a big "Pat on the Back" for a job well done; it is nice to be appreciated!


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