Thursday, December 15, 2011


Southeastern Regional Conference may not immediately make you think of having a good time, but you would be wrong.  This years SER was held at the Marriott Griffin Gate Spa and Hotel in Lexington, Kentucky and was fabulous.  Well, except for the part where the hotel did not get the room reservations correct and we had to share a bed instead of having one by ourselves.  Just a little togetherness.

The tours were fun, the meetings were informative, the food was great, and there were plenty of fabulous vendors willing to take your money.  If that was all there was to do you would have had a great time, but we found a few other things to occupy our time.

Meet some of the players from Ole Miss.  They were there for a football game against Kentucky the next day.  I am sure it made their day having their pictures taken with Sandy and Bertha, until some lady made the girls leave.

As you can see, these conferences are a lot of work.  You have to attend meetings all day, shop till you drop and then they expect you to dress up in fancy outfits for dinner.  Jeans and Bling was the theme for dinner on Friday night.
Tania and Bertha just horsing around!        
Cash Bar - two little words that can really make a conference.  That is a place where you give them "cash" and they give you "alcohol".  I really loved that concept, Bertha really loved that concept, Liz really loved that concept, but Sandy really, really, really loved that concept.

Just a little togetherness!!!

See you next year in Roanoke, VA

P.S. -  bring plenty of cash.

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