Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Liberty Garden - a Memorial to 9-11

September 11, 2001 is a day that most of us will never forget.  A day when we all sat glued to the television watching in horror and disbelief as the unthinkable became reality.  This is America, acts of terrorism do not take place on our soil, a statement we can no longer profess.  The lives lost that day can be accounted for but the lives forever changed cannot be measured.  Most of us are not in a position to prevent tragic events like those from happening again but we can make sure those who perished are not forgotten.

Grundy Woman's Club members Tania Stephens, Bertha Street, and Sandy Stiltner took part in the planting of the Liberty Garden a memorial to the tragic events of 9-11-01. 

The planting represents the twin towers, the pentagon, and the lives lost that day. 


Freedom has a price, may we never forget.

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