Wednesday, October 5, 2011

October = Work, Work, Work

October is really shaping up to be a busy month.  It would be nice to decorate the house and yard for Halloween, but who has the time?  The Grundy Woman's Club will have their monthly meeting at the Buchanan Public Library at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday the 8th.  We will have a short meeting (that would be the first time) with a brunch style meal and then start to decorate our Bra's.  A lot of decorating materials have already been purchased; hair, eyes, lights, fur, etc.  What else could you possibly need....other than a bra.

On to Saturday the 15th.  Our Southwestern District meeting will be held in Hillsville, Virginia.  The meeting should be lots of fun, the two hour drive there and back, maybe not so much. 

On Thursday the 20th will we be attending the Relay for Life "Ladies Night Out".  This is always a great event with a lot of vendors and great information regarding Breast Cancer Awareness. The Grundy Woman's Club will have a booth again this year and be giving out literature on Club work and have some items for sale.  To bring attention to this terrible disease we will wear those decorated Bra's we made, on the OUTSIDE of our shirts.  That should be interesting to say the least.

Now it is on to Spirit Fest, an annual event that the Town of Grundy has sponsored for the last several years.  The Town asked the Grundy Woman's Club to take over the responsibilities of the event this year.  "No" does not seem to be a word that we Club ladies use very often.  This has been a lot of work but it is coming together nicely.  Let's hope the weather cooperates and we have a nice day.

Did I remember to mention that on the 11th we would also be going before the Town Council to have October declared "Breast Cancer Awareness" month and asking for permission to decorate the town with pink rigid vinyl ribbons?  As I said October is a busy month. 

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