Saturday, February 2, 2013


Do you ever sit back and think, "What have I been doing all year"?  I guess that is a natural question to ask at the beginning of each new year.  So, as we say goodbye to 2012, I thought you might like one last look back at what we, The GFWC Grundy Woman's Club accomplished.

The GFWC Grundy Woman's Club participated in 168 projects this year.  We had 22,833 volunteer hours, and raised around 10,000.00 dollars.  Mentioning every project would be way too long, so I will only list a few of them.

Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention is near to our hearts.  As a club we made donations to several different programs who help women to step away from violence.  We planted a Pinwheel garden, along with the Town Manger, Council Members, and the Mayor of our town, to remind others of the need to be vigilant in our efforts to protect the innocent children.  The pinwheel is the symbol for Child Abuse Prevention.  We also asked the Town to declare April as Child Abuse Awareness Month.

To celebrate Water Day, we set up water stations at the Appalachian School of Law's 5K run.  We labeled the water bottles with our club's name and encouraged the women participants to join our club.


We recycled greeting cards to St. Jude, recycled newspapers, bottles, cans, and plastic.  Sent pull tabs to Ronald McDonald House and saved Coca Cola lids and Campbell's Soup labels for local schools.  To help bring nature to residents confined to their beds at our local nursing home, we collected birds feeders and food.


A college shower for three local High School students was hosted in March.  Supplies to make the transition from home to college smoother were purchased and given out at the March meeting.  We presented three college scholarships to our local colleges.  $1,000.00 to Southwest Virginia Community College, $500.00 to both the Appalachian School of Law and the Appalachian College of Pharmacy.  We held a book drive for the Appalachian School of Law Library and collected/donated 125 books!

Appalachian School of Law scholarship

Appalachian College of Pharmacy scholarship

Southwest Virginia Community College scholarship

The nursing home was provided items for Valentines, Easter, an money was donated to purchase fireworks for them at the 4th of July.  Toiletries and personal items, along with clothing, were donated to the local Abuse Shelter.  A coat drive was held and over 200 coats were collected and given to the abuse shelter and the Social Services for those in the community that were in need.

R.A.M. (Remote Area Medial) provides Medical and Dental Care to those who cannot afford it otherwise.  Club member Frannie Minton serves on the board and is the organizer for the program in our community.  Our club helps by working the event and providing food, water, blankets, and monetary donations to the program.

We not only donate locally, but also Internationally.  Donations were made to Heifer International, Shot@Life, and Operation Smile.  And this year, one member traveled to India and presented a check to K Homes, a home for orphaned children, with a check.  Notice that she is wearing her GFWC emblematic shirt.

Wash clothes, hand towels, and bath towels were collected and sent to the victims of Hurricane Sandy. One member sold ornaments as a fundraiser and help raise over $1,000.00 for the Hurricane Sandy victims.

For the second year in a row, a member of our club was chosen as the GFWC Virginia LEADS candidate.  And even more impressive:  Betty Shields was elected at GFWC Virginia 1st Vice President/President Elect!!!!

GFWC President Carlene Garner and Tania Stephens

Betty Shields, GFWC Virginia 1st Vice President/President Elect

We attended Town Meetings, School Board Meetings, Board of Supervisors Meetings, Chamber of Commerce Meetings, Clean Energy Rallies, Chamber of Commerce Meetings, and serve on local boards in the community.  Our members include the Dean of the Appalachian School of Law, and the Mayor of the Town of Grundy.

Black History Month and Women's History Month were both celebrated.  We joined the 1734 Society and have several members who are members of Dogwood and 1907 Society.

We worked extremely hard to raise funds for our club.  An annual spring yard sale, the 2nd Annual Vintage Fashion Show, and the 7th Annual Holidays in the Hills were all held this year.  Two new events were added: the Mom Prom and a Silent Auction at the Buchanan County Chamber of Commerce Annual Banquet.  The proceeds from Mom Prom went to BackPack Blessings, a local organization that provides food to needy children in the county over the weekends.

We are a GOLD sponsor for the Relay for Life.  Several members serve on the State and local Board of Directors and work tirelessly to promote the Relay throughout the year.  Our club also participates (you can say that again) in the Breast Cancer Awareness "Ladies Night Out".  This year our club made and wore Boobie scarves to promote awareness of Breast Cancer.

 I think I will just end on this note, I am left speechless......