Sunday, February 26, 2012

What does the Grundy Woman's Club do?

At the beginning of each year all Woman's Clubs do their reports.  You total all the hours spent, monies donated or spent on projects, the amount of projects, the number of members who participated, etc.  Easy peasy right.  WRONG!!!  This is hard, I mean really hard.

First, you need to be an organized person who keeps up with all those things and actually writes the information down.  That is already one strick against me but luckily we have a couple of members who actually does this and thankfully they are willing to share.

Second, you have to decide where your information goes.  The GFWC has six major programs:  Arts, Conservation, Education, Home Life, International Outreach, and Public Issues.  There are also GFWC Advancement categories such as:  Communication and Identity, Fundraising, Leadership, Legislation and Public Policy, Membership, and Women's History and Resource Center.
Third, total all the hours, monies, etc. for all members of the club and enter it on the GFWC Reporting Form. 

Forth, now the fun part, narrate everything you did.

Soooo, what did the Grundy Woman's Club do?  We participated in 139 programs!  We had 40 members participate!  We spent 5,553 hours on projects!  We spent or donated $32,635.00!

I am simply amazed how a relatively small number of women in a relatively small town accomplished so much.  We are already making plans for this upcoming year and have even more projects in the works.  We may have to adapt the Army's catch phrase:  We're looking for a few more good women!