Saturday, October 20, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy Fall....

The GFWC Grundy Woman's Club has had a very busy late Summer, early Fall.  I suppose every organization has their busy time but it has been CRAZY!

Let's start off from the last blog in July 2012.  The GWC does not have regular meeting during the Summer months of June, July and August, but that does not mean we don't do anything.  Starting in June we held the 2nd Annual Vintage Fashion Show and Sale.  This is always a great deal of fun and it has turned into a good fundraiser.  This year our models were Kimberlyn Thompson and GWC members, Kayla Yates, Kim Ratliff, and Shonna Powers.

This years show was such a success that we are going to have to move to a larger facility next year!

The GFWC Virginia Conference was held August 11-12, 2012 at the Inn at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA.  The GWC was very involved with this Conference.  Betty Shields is 1st Vice-President/President Elect and therefore had a large role.  In addition to her duties as 1st Vice-President she also held a workshop on Leadership.  Tania Stephens, GWC President, is Fundraising and Development Chairman for GFWC Virginia.  She was kept busy making all the arrangements for the vendors who attended the event and she also had to hold a workshop on Fundraising.  Sandy Stiltner, Southwestern District President, was also quite busy.  SWD was the host for this Conference, meaning Sandy had to see to the decorating and all the little things that have to be done in order to make the event go smoothly.  Thank goodness for Liz Stiltner, Pam Wolford, Ginger Robertson, and Bertha Street, they worked their fingers to the bone helping everyone get all their stuff together.

Now it time to move on to September and the means SpiritFest.  This was the second year that GWC has organized the event for the Town of Grundy.  SpiritFest in an all day event that anyone in the county can attend and have a great time at no charge.  The GWC went before the Buchanan County Board of Supervisors and persuaded them to help sponsor this event.  Because of their help, and the help of Consol Energy, most of the rides and all the entertainment was free.  Inflatable slides and bounce house kept the younger children occupied while the zip line and mechanical bull held the teenagers attention.  Everyone was entertained by the musicians and the grand finale was a fireworks show that was terrific.

October started with our regular meeting of the woman's club, but it was anything but normal.  1st, we were privileged to hold our meeting at the Appalachian School of Law, it was beautiful.  We gathered outside on the steps and had our picture taken.  2nd, we had two surprise attendees; Jenny Martin, last years Southwestern District President and this years SWD Third Vice-President and GFWC Virginia President, Teresa Craig were in town for the Southwestern District meeting (Grundy was the host) and decided to attend our meeting.
Front row:  Betty Shields, Jenny Martin, Sandy Stiltner, Tania Stephens, Ginger Robertson and Bertha Street                           Next row:  Karen Harvey, Debbie Deel, Glenna Owens, Liz Stiltner, Pam Wolford, Anna Ruth Coleman, Jessica Brown, Ruth Horn, Barbara Fleenor, Amanda Kash, Betty Flo Raines, and Peggy Yates  
Of course October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and that means a trip to the Town Council meeting.  Once again GWC appeared before the Town of Grundy council members and asked them to declare October as Breast Cancer Awareness month in Grundy.  We also asked for permission to decorate the bridge and gate in town.  The members readily agreed and once again commended our club for all the good works we do.  While we were there, we took the opportunity to recruit the Mayor to become a woman's club member.  Never overlook an opportunity.

Ladies Night Out is a Relay for Life event that is put on annually with speakers on "women's health" and ladies vendors.  It brings the topic of breast cancer out into the light of day and helps us women understand the need for regular mammograms.  The GWC did there part by having 21 members attend the event and we tried to "start the conversation" by donning scarves........

I can hardly wait for November and December, I need some rest.....

Sunday, July 15, 2012

GFWC International Convention 2012

The GFWC International Convention was held this year in Charlotte, NC.  This is the closest that a convention has been to Grundy, EVER.  The GFWC Grundy Woman's Club had five ladies attend and GFWC Virginia had over fifty.  There were about one thousand women in all that attended.  It was fabulous, except for trying to get an elevator.  That one task could sometimes take over half an hour, so we learned a lot about patience and a lot about how visiting a bar gives you patience.

The first day there was a day of LEADS, (Leadership, Education, and Development Seminar) training for Tania Stephens.  She was chosen as the candidate from Virginia.  Forty three states sent their representative for an ALL day training session.  They had seminars on Roberts Rules, on writing a speech, on the generation gap, and on conflict resolutions.  Information was given out and soaked up like a sponge, hopefully most everyone will retain the knowledge and go on to share with their fellow Clubs, Districts, and State.   GFWC International President, Carlene Garner, presented each graduate with a certificate and her "Wings" pin.
President Carlene Garner and Tania Stephens 

Virginia LEADS Candidates for 2012, 2005, and 2011
Sandy Stiltner, Bertha Street, and Liz Stiltner all took advantage of the day off and went on a tour of Charlotte Motor Speedway.  They got to ride on the track and they even saw Dale Earnhardt Jr., he was filming a commercial at the track.

Most of our days were full of meetings and workshops, but will did manage to spend a little time with the tons of vendors that were there.  Purses, jewelry, hand-crafted bird feeders, scarves and clothing, books, GFWC merchandise, and lots of other items were on hand to separate our money from us.  The nights consisted of banquets and GALA's, a horrible burden, but we somehow managed to shoulder the load.

State night was Wednesday night and before we continued on to the Southeastern Region Banquet we posed for pictures.  Each State's attendees all gathered together and had a group picture.

The SER Banquet was held afterward and offered a good opportunity for everyone to meet new ladies in the Region.

Awards were given out at the GALA's the following nights and GFWC Virginia racked up.

Home Life Collaboration, Home Life Partner, March of Dimes, GFWC Junior Woman's Club of Loudoun
  International Outreach Partner, INMED, Mother and Child Health, GFWC Dominion Woman's Club, Operation Smile, Paula Cutler Award
  Public Issues Collaboration     Special Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention
  Special Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Club Award: GFWC Kanawha Woman's Club  
Special Project: Domestic Violence Awareness and Prevention Fund Awards, 8th Place GFWC Woman's Club of Manassas, 7th Place GFWC Woman's Club of Fairfax, 3rd Place GFWC Herndon Woman's Club  
  Legislation and Public Policy  
  Southeastern Region President's Award of $100 for the greatest number of volunteer hours per member
  GFWC Writing Contest, Youth Short Story Winner, Grades 9-12 "Live as If You are Dying", Ben Temple, Sponsored by the GFWC Norfolk Woman's Club

The Grundy Gals with Kathryn Sowers
 Getting to dress up if half the fun.  Wearing lots of bling jewelry and putting on all your finery is a MUST.  

Next years GFWC International Convention will be held in Hollywood Florida...See you there!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mom Prom 2012

Never heard of a Mom Prom?  Mention a Mom Prom to most people and they look at you with a blank stare.  But the GFWC Grundy Woman's Club is a hip, happening group of women that know the latest trends.  The first Mom Prom happened six years ago and is the brainchild of a suburban Detroit mother, the ladies-only event invites women to squeeze into an old prom gown or bridesmaid's dress for a charity dance night.  The GWC choose Back Pack Blessings as the charity to donate the proceeds.  After expenses, we managed to raise $750.00 to donate this year.  Back Pack Blessings provide weekend nourishment to school children on the Federal Free and Reduced Meal Program.  Children in the Hurley and J.M. Bevins Middle Schools are who benefited from the Back Pack Blessings we supported.

Forty women over the county came out for our first, (hopefully annual), Mom Prom.  There was a couple of ladies who had "NEVER" attended a Prom before.  Kim for instance had never been to Prom.

We had friends, Mother-Daughters, Grandmother-Granddaughters, Sisters, Cousins, and neighbors.  This could possibly be the start of a tradition, an annual outing that we will cherish.

 Here are a few of the Mother-Daughter pairs.  

Now for the Grandmother-granddaughters

How about relatives?  Any of those attend Mom Prom?
The crazy "Street" gang!!!

Best Friends Forever.....

A real life D. J. played all the songs we requested and Heather Viers Bowman was the official photographer for the night.  A really, really good time was had by all.  There was lots of food, lots of dancing, and lots and lots of laughing.
The Queen, two Princesses and the Tackiest dress winner.

Start looking now for that perfect dress for next years Prom, it will be here before you can blink an eye.  Maybe you can start your own tradition next year. Remember the most important rule............